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STM Screen Tension Meter

Made in GermanyRange: 6 - 50 N/cm

The STM-50 Screen Tension Meter is designed to measure how taut a woven material is when tension has been applied in two directions at right angles to each other, as in the case of a screen printing frame.

Its operating principle is similar to that employed by the CHECK-LINE HP Yarn Package Durometers, except that it is fitted with a one-inch bar indenter placed midway between two outer "reference" bars spaced two inches apart, instead of an indenter ball.

When the instrument is placed on the material, the greater the tension, the more the bar will be pushed in and the greater the reading on the scale.

STM Tension Meter is calibrated on custom calibration fixtures to ensure highest accuracy and repeatability.

Complete Kit
The STM-50 is supplied in a foam fitted carrying case.


Range6 - 50 N/cm
Accuracy±1 Graduation Mark on Dial
Dimensions75 x 46 x 115 mm (3" x 1.8" x 4.5")
Weight480g (1lb)
StandardAccording DIN EN 16611

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STM-50 Screen Tension Meter
€ 566,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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