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TT3C Hand-held Cap Torque Meter

The CAP-TT03 is developed for easy in-field cap torque testing. It is basically a TT03 Torque gauge combined with a G1053 Universal V-jaw Grip. The compact aluminum housing can be used as handheld device or in a test stand setup.

The torque indicator is connected to a dedicated remote torque sensor with a jacobs chuck. Available in a capacity range from 135 Ncm to 1150 Ncm, it features a 2000 Hz sampling rate and has an accuracy of ±0.5% of full scale. The backlit display shows current and peak torque readings for each direction, set points, pass/fail indicators, rotation direction, units of measurements and an analog load bar with setpoint markers.

The TT03 is overload protected 150% of full scale (display shows “OVER” at 110% and above)

Data is exported through the USB connection with the included USB data cable and the included MESUR® Lite data acquisition software, for tabulation of continuous or individual data points. One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation.



  • For cap diameters of 16,5 - 39,0 mm
  • High-speed 2000 Hz sampling rate
  • Single Reading USB data output
  • Programmable set points with pass/fail indicators
  • Battery or AC operation
  • Configurable audio alarms and key tones
  • Live load bar graphs with set point markers
  • CE mark
  • Peak memory for clockwise and counter clockwise readings saved and displayed
  • Made in the USA

Complete Kit

The CAP-TT03C is supplied as a complete kit including:

  • Force display with torque sensor
  • G1053 cap grip
  • Universal AC adapter
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Chuck key
  • Quick-start guide
  • USB cable
  • Basic data transfer software
  • NIST traceable calibration certificate without data
  • Soft padded carrying case

Capacity x Resolution
MTT03C-12135 x 0,112 x 0.01192 x 0.2
MTT03C-50570 x 0,550 x 0.05800 x 1
MTT03C-1001150 x 1100 x 0.11600 x 2


WT3-201 Display


TT03 CAP torque tester
Dimensions-TT03 CAP torque tester

Dimensions of the TT03C Torque Tester ,

All dimensions are noted in Inches with metric sizes in [mm] behind.

AC1053 Universal V-Jaw Grip
Dimensions-AC1053 Universal V-Jaw Grip

Capacity in NmWeight in kgABCØD1*ØD2*
11,30,1878,7 mm50,8 mm40,6 mm27,9 - 39,4 mm16,5 - 27,9 mm
* Reverse jaws to switch from ØD1 to ØD2

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Accuracy±0.5% of full scale ±1 digit
Sampling rate2000 Hz
PowerAC or rechargeable battery. Multi-step low battery indicator is displayed, gauge shuts off automatically when power is too low.
Battery LifeBacklight on: up to 7 hours of continuous use
Backlight off: up to 24 hours of continuous use
Measurement unitslbFin, ozFin, kgFmm, Ncm (depending on model)
USB OutputIndividual data point output by pressing DATA key. Configurable up to 115,200 baud.
Configurable SettingsDigital filters, USB output settings, backlight, automatic shutoff, key tones, audio alarms, default settings, calibration
Safe overload150% of full scale (display shows “OVER” at 110% and above)
Weight0.8 kg
Environmental requirements5°C ~ 45°C, <96% humidity (non-condensating)
Warranty3 Years

Buy Now


CAP-TT03-12E Digital Cap Torque Gauge (MTT03C-12E) - 135 Ncm
€ 1.704,00 
CAP-TT03-50E Digital Cap Torque Gauge (MTT03C-50E) - 570 Ncm
€ 1.704,00 
CAP-TT03-100E Digital Cap Torque Gauge (MTT03C-100E) - 1150 Ncm
€ 1.704,00 

15-1004 MESUR gauge, single license
Cable, USB, Series 7/5/4/3 to PC
€ 30,00 
Replacement battery, 8.4V NiMH
€ 20,00 
AC1030 AC adapter/charger, 110V US
€ 45,00 
AC1031 AC adapter/charger, 220V Europe
€ 45,00 
AC1032 AC adapter/charger, 220V UK
€ 45,00 
AC1035 AC adapter/charger, 220V Australia
€ 45,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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