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LM6 Portable Leather Moisture Meter

Made in the EuMeasuring Range: 3% to 65% Water Content

The LM6 was designed to quickly and easily determine the water content of different types of leather. The LM6 measures moisture non-destructively, measurements are taken by placing the instrument on the material with the back-side. The moisture percentage and temperature appear on the display within a few seconds.

For measuring leather during the whole production process as well as for finished leather products

The LM6 leather moisture meter is a handheld moisture meter for measuring the moisture of leather in a nondestructive manner.
It is well suited for all kinds of leather and various degrees of moisture - from wet to dry leather.
The LM6 can be used during the whole leather manufacturing process in the tannery as well as in the leather trade or in leather processing companies.

Handling / measuring procedure
After selecting the appropriate calibration curve (depending on the leather density), press the humimeter LM6 on a leather pile with a thickness of at least 10mm.
The display immediately shows the absolute leather moisture as well as the temperature. The measuring procedure does not destroy the leather surface in any way. By effecting various measurements in different areas of the leather hide, the average water content can be determined immediately

Benefit from the non-destructive measuring method and optimise your drying costs as well as servicing times by detecting eventual moisture fluctuations or moisture spots in time. The measuring values can be stored on the device, further information like batch number can be added. Via the optional USB interface the measuring values can be transferred to a PC, and via LogMemorizer ® PC software the data can be archived, exported, processed or printed out.

Selection of calibration curves
Due to different manufacturing methods and different densities of the leather there is no standardised allocation of calibration curves. 

In the list of calibration curves you can find information regarding manufacturing methods and density that enables a preselection of the calibration curve.   
To ensure the best accuracy of your measurement, we recommend to carry out a comparison measurement by kiln-drying (norm DIN 53304) once:
1.    Take a leather pile of 10-15mm of the format A6 with average moisture content.
2.    Measure the water content of this leather pile using all available calibration curves and write down the measuring results of the different calibration curves.  
3.    Take the 2 top leather pieces of the pile and carry out a reference measurement according to DIN 53304.
4.    Compare the determined reference water content to the measuring results of the different calibration curves. Use the calibration curve with the measuring result nearest to the reference water content.


  • Automatic temperature compensation for increased accuracy
  • Measurement within seconds without prior treatment of samples
  • Large backlit LCD display
  • Menu language in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian
  • Easy data storage for printing or analysis on PC (on LM6-USB only)

Complete Kit
The LM6 is delivered as a complete kit including:
- LM6 Moisture Meter,
- Wooden Case,
- Test Plate,
- Batteries,
- User Manual.

The LM6-USB is delivered with the following:
- LogMemorizer Software,
- USB Data Transfer Cable.

Calibration Curves
NameCalibration CurveDensity 
Leather LDLeather of low density0,55 g/cm³ 
Leather CRLeather chrome tanned0,60 g/cm³ 
Leather MDLeather of medium density0,65 g/cm³ 
Leather FOCLeather free of chrome, fire protection leather0,70 g/cm³ 
Leather HDLeather of high density0,75 g/cm³ 
Leather VHDLeather of very high density0,80 g/cm³ 
Referentie! Only for checking the instrument !  
Selection of calibration curves- due to different manufacturing methods and different densities of the leather there is no standardised allocation of calibration curves


LI-ION Rechargeable AA Batteries

  • Li-Ion rechargeable battery
  • Stable voltage of 1,5 V over 95% of the runtime
  • Charged via the USB to USB-C cable

More details

LI-ION Rechargeable AA Batteries 127554


Measuring Range3% to 65%
Temperature Range-10 to 50°C
Temperature Resolution0.1°C / 0.3°F
Temperature Unitscan be set to °C and °F
Measuring Depth5 mm
Data LoggerAutomatic data log for 10.000 logs with measuring point report
Data Output (LM6-USB only) USB interface (supplied with data transfer cable & software)
Power4x 1.5 Volt AA batteries
Warranty2 years

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