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MX2 High Performance Motorized Test Stand

Explore the MX2 Motorized Test Stand, designed to provide advanced force testing across a variety of industries. This robust and efficient model is equipped with features such as digital speed control, a timer, and a cycle counter, making it ideal for both destructive and non-destructive testing.

Highlighted Features:

  • Advanced Test Control: Easily adjust modes, speed, and the number of cycles through an intuitive LCD interface.
  • Exceptional Compatibility: Use alongside high-quality force gauges for complete measurement systems.
  • Optimized Design: Its all-steel construction and programmable setup allow it to adapt to any testing protocol.

Available Options:

  • S Option: Equips a length scale for precise force-displacement measurement.
  • L Option: Offers 200 mm or 300 mm more stroke than the standard model, depending on the model.
  • V Option: Allows changing the upper or lower speed to better suit specific test requirements.
  • CN Option: Includes an I/O connector for integration with external devices.

Key Benefits:

  • High Repeatability: Ensures consistent results thanks to digital precision in speed and distance settings.
  • Versatility in Configuration: Available in multiple capacities and speeds, it adapts to specific testing needs.

For more information on how the MX2 can optimize your measurement processes, contact us.


  • Easy-to-use program dial and menu screens control mode, speed, timer and cycles
  • Possible to set up pausing time every 0.1 sec, up to 99 min and 59 .9 sec
  • One stand for both compression (push) and tension (pull) tests
  • Force Controlled operation with ZT Series force gauges
  • Conditional Overload Prevention
  • Ultra rigid, 0,5 mm deflection at maximum load
  • Manual, Increment, Single Cycle, Continuous Cycle and Force Control (with ZT Series gauges) selectable
  • Count or set up the number of tests: Max 65535 times

Complete Kit

Comes with:

  • MX2-Teststand (without force gauge)
  • Power cable
  • Grip mounting adaptor
  • High capacity gauge mounting plate (only for MX2-1000N)
  • Small gauge mounting plate (only for MX2-2500N)
  • Cover
  • Manual

360 degree photo



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CapacityMX2-110: 50 Kg / 500 N
MX2-275: 125 Kg / 1250 N
MX2-550: 250 Kg / 2500 N
StrokeMX2-110: 230 mm
MX2-275: 290 mm
MX2-550: 290 mm
Travel rateStandard speed: 10-305 mm/min 
Fast speed: 20-600 mm/min(Optional)
Slow speed:  3 - 90 mm/min(Optional)
Compatible GaugesZT-serie Force Gauges
Operating temperature0 to 40 °C
Operating humidity35-70%, avoid condensation
WeightMX2-110: 19 Kg
MX2-275: 26 Kg
MX2-550: 26 Kg
Warranty2 years

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MX2-500N Motorized, *stroke 235 mm, manual and automtic operation, max. capacity 500 N
€ 2.827,00 
MX2-500N-S Motorized Vertical Test Stand - High performance
€ 3.590,00 

CB-518 - Force Control Cable, ZTA or ZTS to MX2
€ 209,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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