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ZT Digital Force Gauge with Luminescent EL Display

  • The ZT-Series Force Gauge is equipped with an electro luminescent display, which is highly visible in dark locations. It is a very user friendly meter with his easy-to-use menus. It has multi-language program menus: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Korean and Japanese.

The ZT digital force gauge can be used for the following applications:

  • 90 degree peel test
  • Film sticking test
  • Crimp test
  • Bending test

The included data logger software ZT-Logger can transfer data to PC by one click. It includes

  • Displayed value at when you press SEND button
  • Continuous data (10 data / sec). (You can make a graph with Excel later)
  • Data saved in internal memory

The ZT-Series Force Gauge is available in 2 versions:
Series ZTS (Standard) & Series ZTA (Advanced)

The ZTA (advanced) has more useful functions:

  • Feature 1: Displacement I/O becomes possible, this means that you can input/output displacement as well as force when you combine with a test stand having a linear scale by a dedicated cable or DMK scale.
  • Feature 2: Continuous data (100data / sec) can be saved in USB flash drive, this means that You can save 100 data / sec at real time in USB flash drive in CSV format. You can also transfer internal memory data to USB flash drive.
    Even in the case when you cannot connect PC during measurement, you can save data in USB flash drive, and later transfer data to PC via the USB drive. On PC you can draws the data into a graph with Excel.
  • Feature 3: Maximum/minimum value among internal memory data can be indicated.
    - Average value among internal memory data can be indicated.
    - You can set a certain load value (A), and it can capture 2 peak values right before the certain load value dropped.

You can use it by hand-held for basic compression/tension tests, but we recommend that you combine the force gauge with a test stand.


  • Luminescent display is highly visible in dark locations
  • Ergonomic design with non-slip grips, heavy duty metal construction
  • Multi-langauge program menus: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, Korean, Japanese
  • Color-coded LED indicators (green, orange, red) and output signal for Go/No Go testing
  • Capacity up to 5000 N/Kg (push/pull)
  • Overload capacity 200% F.S.
  • 1,000 data memory for recall or download
  • External switch display hold and clear
  • Internal Ni-MH batteries or AC adapter
  • Real time and peak mode (selectable)
  • kgf, lbf, and N units are selectable
  • Overload alarm and output signal
  • Easy-to-use menus: make programming simple in eight languages. Select units, reverse display, set high/low setpoints, and all other functions in plain language.
  • Processes and transmits 2,000 data per second

Complete Kit
The ZT digital force gauge is delivered in a complete set, including
  • Full set of attachments
  • ZT Logger data acquisition software
  • USB cable
  • AC adapter/charger
  • Calibration certificate traceable to NIST
  • Carrying case
The OH-1 handle is included with the ZTS/ZTA 550 & 1100 models.



ZT-Series Feature Comparison Chart
Electroluminescent display (ELD) ZT-SeriesZT-Series
Peak hold
OK/NG judgment
Reverse display
Sensitivity 4 steps 4 steps
Multi display
Internal memory 1000 data 1000 data
+/- Force
Auto zero timer
+NG alarm
Auto shut off
1st/2nd peak drop -
Displacement detection at force peak -
Displacement Reset -
Output ZTS ZTA
Serial (RS232C)
Mitutoyo digimatic [*4]
Analog +/- 2V F.S. approx. +/- 2V F.S. approx.
High/low set points
Overload warning
High/low output -
Memory in USB flash drive
[USB flash drive is not included]
Displacement -

Tension Ranges
ModelRangesDisplayResolutionThreadIncluded attachment
200 gf
7 ozf
2.000 N
200.0 gf
7.00 ozf
0.001 N
0.1 gf
0.01 ozf
M6 A1 to A8
500 gf
18 ozf
5.000 N
500.0 gf
18.00 ozf
0.001 N
0.1 gf
0.01 ozf
M6 A1 to A8
ZTS/ZTA-20 20 N
2 kgf
4.4 lbf
20.00 N
2.000 kgf
4.400 lbf
0.01 N
0.001 kgf
0.001 lbf
M6 A1 to A8
ZTS/ZTA-50 50 N
5 kgf
11 lbf
50.00 N
5.000 kgf
11.00 lbf
0.01 N
0.001 kgf
0.01 lbf
M6 A1 to A8
ZTS/ZTA-100 100 N
10 kgf
22 lbf
100.0 N
10.00 kgf
22.00 lbf
0.01 N
0.01 kgf
0.01 lbf
M6 A1 to A8
ZTS/ZTA-200 200 N
20 kgf
44 lbf
200.0 N
20.00 kgf
44.00 lbf
0.01 N
0.01 kgf
0.01 lbf
M6 S1 to S8
ZTS/ZTA-500 500 N
50 kgf
110 lbf
500.0 N
50.00 kgf
110.0 lbf
0.1 N
0.01 kgf
0.01 lbf
M6 S1 to S8
ZTS/ZTA-1000 1000 N
100 kgf
220 lbf
1000 N
100.0 kgf
220.0 lbf
1 N
0.1 kgf
0.1 lbf
M6 RS1, S2 to S8
ZTS/ZTA-2500 2500 N
250 kgf
550 lbf
2500 N
250.0 kgf
550.0 lbf
1 N
0.1 kgf
0.1 lbf
M10 B1 to B8
ZTS/ZTA-5000 5000 N
500 kgf
1100 lbf
5000 N
500.0 kgf
1100 lbf
1 N
0.1 kgf
1 lbf
M10 B1 to B8

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  • Ultra Structural Rigidity: Minimal deflection of 0.5 mm at maximum load, ensuring structural accuracy even under extreme stress.
  • Versatility in Operation Modes: Includes Manual, Increment, Single Cycle, Continuous Cycle, and Force Control (with ZT Series gauges), adapting to diverse testing needs.

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Accuracy± 0.2% F.S., ± 1 LSD
Selectable UnitsNewtons, kgf (gf) or lbf (ozf)
Overload Capacity200% of F.S. (Overload indicator flashes beyond 110% of F.S.)
PowerRechargeable Ni-MH battery pack or AC adapter
Battery IndicatorIndicates three charge states high, med and low
MemoryNon-volative, recall up to 1,000 data
SetpointsProgrammable high/low values, white LEDs / color coding and output signal
OutputsOutputs USB (virtual COM port), RS-232C, Digimatic and ± 2 VDC analog output
Operating Temperature0 to 40 °C (32 to 100 °F)
Display 4-digit Organic EL
Display update 10 / sec
Sampling rate2000 data / sec at maximum
WeightFrom 2N to 1000N model: Approx.490g
2500N, 5000N: Approx.1100g
Warranty1 year

Buy Now


ZTS-500N Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 942,00 
ZTS-1000N Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.043,00 
ZTS-2500N Digital Force Gauge with USB output (Included with OH-1 Handle)
€ 1.414,00 
ZTS-5000N Digital Force Gauge with USB output (Included with OH-1 Handle)
€ 1.414,00 
ZTA-2N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-5N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-20N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-50N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-100N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-200N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-500N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.048,00 
ZTA-1000N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output
€ 1.143,00 
ZTA-2500N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output (Included with OH-1 Handle)
€ 1.520,00 
ZTA-5000N Advanced Digital Force Gauge with USB output (Included with OH-1 Handle)
€ 1.520,00 

ISO-17025 ISO/IEC 17025 Long-form Certificate & Test Data
€ 314,00 
MOH-1 Handle for Mechanical Force Gauges FB/PS
€ 112,00 
S100-600 Industrial Scales (300 kg x 0.05 kg)
€ 295,00 
CB-208 RS232 Serial Output Cable with Sub D 9 plug
€ 87,00 
CB-308 Digimatic SPC Cable for ZTS & ZTA
€ 87,00 
ZT-RL Software Force Recorder Software for ZTS & ZTA - Light Edition
€ 310,00 
ZT-RS Software Force Recorder Software for ZTS & ZTA - Standard Edition
€ 531,00 
ZT-RP Software Force Recorder Software for ZTA - ProEdition
€ 651,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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