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BLUEFORCE Impact Force Gauge

BlueForce Smart - Impact force gauge with USB & GSM and software for CE certification of power-operated gates and doors.

BlueForce Smart is a high quality impact force gauge for automatic/power operated doors and gates that complies with standards EN12453 (former EN12445), EN16005, EN60335-2-95, DHF UK Norms.

BlueForce is one of a kind, with its GSM and USB interface, as well as integrated GPS geolocation. 

Thanks to the PC-LINK mode, BlueForce can be linked up to a handheld computer or a PC during testing, allowing immediate viewing of the graph and values. It simultaneously enables immediate access to test results.

The comfortable handle, in an accessible and ergonomic position, ensures a steady grip and matchless maneuverability. The handle is easy to remove by using the supplied key and can be rotated by 180° (i.e. turned upside down).

The Blueforce Smart Pro Kits are available in 3 versions:

  • Blueforce Smart Pro Kit
  • Blueforce Smart Pro Plus Kit (Blueforce Smart Pro Kit & Blueforce 50V003 - Linear Extension)
  • Blueforce Smart Pro Print Kit (Blueforce Smart Pro Plus Kit & FTP Thermal Printer)

Available accessoires:

  • Blueforce 50V003 - Linear Extension
  • BlueForce 50V004-C - Angular Extension with bag
  • Blueforce 50V012 - Vertical Extension
  • Blueforce 50V020-G - FTP Thermal Printer 
  • Blueforce 50V011 -Extreme carry-case


  • Memory capacity increased by 60%: enables storage of an impressive 80 tests on the instrument
  • Options include: sending, deleting and browsing saved tests (through an interactive menu)
  • BlueForce Smart is a dual purpose gauge, as it incorporates both a display and internal storage allowing up to 80 measurements to be saved
  • New blue led alphanumerical display: The indestructible display with 7 segments is even brighter and more legible thanks to the blue colouring
  • New built-in internal clock: for simpler and quicker identification of the tests performed, thanks to automatic memorisation of the date and time of measurement.
  • New generously sized and sturdy carry-case
  • Direct display of numerical test parameters: dynamic force, dynamic time, average static force, final force.
  • USB port: enables connection of the instrument to a PC with Windows OS to download and manage tests performed with the supplied software
  • GSM interface for quick network communication
  • Integrated GPS geolocation

Complete Kit

The complete BlueForce kit is supplied:

  • BlueForce Smart Pro Instrument
  • Carry-case with pre-formed interior
  • USB cable for PC
  • Hex wrench for handle disassembly
  • Instructions / Software / Certificate of Calibration downloadable from download section

the BlueForce Smart Pro Plus kit includes additionally the 50V003 extension.

360 degree photo

Optional Accessories
Linear Extension
Angular Extension

During the use, the instrument has to be supported in a way to not alter the results of measurements.

The optional accessories, thanks to the fast-joint mechanism, allow the user to carry out measurements by using only one hand. With the other hand, the user is able to drive the opening/closing device.

There are two versions available: the Linear Extension, for measures at 30 or 50 cm and the Angular Extension, for measures from 1.25 m to 2.5 m. This also requires use of the Straight Extension.


50V003 Straight Extension

  • Compliant with EN12453
  • Specific distances: 30cm and 50cm

More details

50V003 Straight Extension 127548

50V004-C Angular Extension

  • Compliant with EN12453
  • Vertical and angular measurements of variable length from 1100mm to 2500mm

More details

50V004-C Angular Extension 127549

50V012 Vertical Extension

  • Compliant with EN12453
  • For Impact Force Measurements from 300mm or 500mm from Ground

More details

50V012 Vertical Extension 127550

50V020-G FTP Thermal Printer for BlueForce Smart Pro

  • Prints Instant Reports using Bluetooth
  • For BlueForce Smart PRO Testers ONLY

More details

50V020-G FTP Thermal Printer for BlueForce Smart Pro 127551

50V011 Extreme carry-case

  • IP67 rated
  • Constructed in 100% recyclable materials

More details

50V011 Extreme carry-case 127552

Product video


Accuracy0 - 400 N: 1%
401-1000 N: 2%
1001 - 2000 N: 4%
Force measurement resolution1 N
Force measurement range0 - 2000 N (mechanical stop at approx. 2100 N)
Current Absorbedmin. 4 mA, average 12 mA, max. 80 mA
Measuring Interval6 sec. sampling 1 Ksmp/s
Memory capacity80 tests
Maximum force measurement error margin: range from+/-1% F.S; from 400 to 1000N: +/-2% F.S; from 1000 to 2000N: +/-4% F.S;
Dynamic time measurement resolution0.01 s
Interface<i class="fa fa-usb" aria-hidden="true"></i> USB 2.0 <br/><i class="fa fa-bluetooth "></i> BLUETOOTH® Ver. 4.1 (enabled via password)<br/>NFC per ISO/IEC 14443 & NFC Forum Type 4
Power supplyRechargeable Lithium-ion battery
Testing StandardsComplies with EN12445, EN12453, EN16005, EN60335-2-95
Weight1.6 kg ± 10%
Dimensions (L x W x H)280 mm X 80 mm X 50 mm ± 5%
Warranty2 years

Buy Now


Blueforce Smart Pro Kit - Impact Force Gauge
€ 1.685,00 
Blueforce Smart Pro Plus Kit - Impact Force Gauge + Straight Extension (50V003)
€ 1.855,00 
Blueforce Smart Pro Print Kit - Impact Force Gauge + Straight Extension (50V003) & Thermal Printer
€ 1.985,00 

Blueforce 50V003 - Linear Extension
€ 190,00 
BlueForce 50V004-C - Angular Extension with bag
€ 288,00 
Blueforce 50V012 - Extension Verticale
€ 175,00 
Blueforce 50V020-G - FTP Thermal Printer for BlueForce Smart Pro
€ 240,00 
Blueforce 50V011 Extreme carry-case
€ 98,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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